What Are Some Strategies to Educate Girls Globally?Organizations worldwide use various strategies in the fight to educate girls globally, but there are several commonalities among them.Dec 14Dec 14
How Does GFA World Fight for Girls’ Education?Inspired by Jesus’ love for the poor, GFA World has been transforming communities in need since 1979. One of the missions of GFA World is…Dec 14Dec 14
Girls’ EducationGirls’ education is the cure for many social issues that plague the developing world. Whether it be in addressing poverty, child marriage…Dec 14Dec 14
Why Is Teaching Adult Literacy so Important?Some people have labeled literacy the great miracle cure to poverty, which is why teaching adult literacy is essential in the developing…Dec 11Dec 11
Is There a Strategy for How to Teach Adult Literacy in Developing Countries? What Is It?Various organizations have different methods for how to teach adult literacy in developing countries. For example, GFA World uses women…Dec 11Dec 11
How Is Adult Education and Literacy a Key to Ending the Cycle of Poverty?Adult education and literacy are crucial in the fight against poverty. Often, people who are living in poverty can’t afford education, and…Dec 11Dec 11
Adult Literacy ProgramMore than 250 million women in Asia are illiterate — they don’t know how to read and write. This makes GFA World’s adult literacy program…Dec 11Dec 11
What Is the Poverty Rate in Southeast Asia?The poverty rate in southeast Asia varies among the countries that comprise the region. Southeast Asia consists of 11 countries — Brunei…Dec 3Dec 3
What Are Some Ways to Reduce Poverty in The World?The basic definition of extreme poverty is earning less than $1.90 a day.1 The World Bank estimates that nearly 10% of the world’s…Dec 3Dec 3