Bishop Danny Yohannan of Gospel for Asia Shares: Love One Another as Christ

Joel Vergara
2 min readFeb 22, 2020


WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA World) founded by Dr. KP YohannanBishop Danny Yohannan talks about the power of to love others through the supernatural ability of Jesus loving through us.

What have you found is the most effective way to share Christ with other people?

Let me tell you a story. The other day, it was raining outside, so my family and I decided to go to In-N-Out for dinner. On rainy days they always give the kids who are there for free hot chocolate.

I’m always interested to see what Bible verses they put on their food containers — they have verses on the fry holder, the burger wrapper, the milkshake cup, everything.

Bishop Danny Yohannan of Gospel for Asia Shares: Love One Another as Christ — KP Yohannan
Bishop Danny Yohannan talks about the power of loving others through the supernatural ability of Jesus loving through us.

So I looked to see what verse was on the hot chocolate cup, and it was John 13:34–35. That verse says,

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.”

This is amazing! Even at a burger restaurant we are being reminded to love one another. This verse is one of the most important passages in Scripture for a lot of reasons. Jesus is telling us the whole world will know we are His followers if we simply love one another. This is the greatest witness we could give to other people — and, I believe, the most effective way to share Christ.

In one way, it’s far greater than literature and apologetics and programs, because it’s life begetting life. Now, don’t take that to the extreme and think that there’s no need to do anything else; that’s not true either. But we can’t really be an effective witness in our marriages, in our families, in our work or in anything else unless we are doing it with this heart and mindset.

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Joel Vergara
Joel Vergara

Written by Joel Vergara

I’m a computer engineering professional with a passion for excellence and success.

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