Concerned Believer Prays for Dying Widow
Carina watched her neighbor Sahana walk down the road to clean yet another house. Sahana’s frail frame hardly looked capable of helping in someone’s home, yet the determined — and desperate — young woman pushed herself to wash dishes, sweep and tidy up six or seven homes every day.
Sahana had married at 13 years old, brought two children into the world and kept house for her husband. However, her husband contracted tuberculosis and also developed a serious drinking problem, which burdened the family and eventually plunged them into grief. At 21 years of age, Sahana became a widow and the sole provider for her two children.
She had no family and no one to turn to, so Sahana rallied her courage and did all she could to meet her young family’s needs. She worked tirelessly day and night, exhausting her body. Eventually, she contracted typhoid, but she couldn’t afford to stop working. Nobody would pay her for taking care of herself, so she worked relentlessly until she lost every ounce of strength. Dangerously ill, Sahana finally ended up in the hospital.
Loving Neighbor Goes the Extra Mile
Carina worried about her struggling neighbor and asked Jesus every day to help the young widow. She knew Sahana tried to please various deities and faithfully performed religious rituals in her home, but Carina also knew Jesus lovingly gave Himself for Sahana and offered her eternal life.
When Sahana’s illness forced her into the hospital, Carina made it a priority to visit Sahana and pray over her in person. At the hospital, Carina found an extremely frail woman whom the doctors worried would not recover. The medical staff had not yet given up on Sahana, but her situation looked grim.
The bleak diagnosis did not squelch Carina’s faith in Christ’s healing power, however. She explained to Sahana who Jesus is and how He came to give life in full. Carina’s testimony of God’s mercy brought hope to Sahana. Faith stirred in her heart, and Sahana asked Jesus to do His saving work in her life.
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