Gospel for Asia Declares Poverty to Be Public Enemy #1
WILLS POINT, TX — Earlier this month, Gospel for Asia released a special report entitled “Poverty: Public Enemy #1.” Author Palmer Holt of InChrist Communications shared the almost incomprehensible fact that some 736 million people worldwide earn less than $1.90 a day, less than many of us spend for our favorite morning latte.
The Tip of the Iceberg
Many humanitarians like Bill Gates agree that the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal for the eradication of poverty is doable. Insights from the Borgen Project, however, indicate that awareness of 736 million people is just the tip of a giant iceberg. More on that after these Borgen Project revelations:
- “Almost 3 billion people with no access to toilets, and almost 1 billion lacking clean drinking water.
- “The poorest 20 percent of the world’s children twice as likely as the richest 20 percent to be stunted by poor nutrition and to die before their fifth birthday.
- “2.7 million newborns worldwide die within their first month of life.
- “161 million children do not attend primary school.”
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