Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Launches First-Ever Mission into Africa

Joel Vergara
2 min readNov 19, 2021


WILLS POINT, TX — GFA World founded by K.P. Yohannan, whose heart to love and help the poor has inspired numerous charities like GFA World Canada, to serve the deprived and downcast worldwide, one of the largest mission agencies in the world, is launching compassion projects in Africa (http://www.gfa.org/press/intoAfrica) for the first time — a huge boost for humanitarian efforts in the world’s poorest continent.

GFA World, formerly known as Gospel for Asia, expects to begin work in multiple African nations this year.

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Launches First-Ever Mission into Africa — KP Yohannan
GOSPEL FOR ASIA LAUNCHES IN AFRICA: GFA World, formerly known as Gospel for Asia, is launching compassion projects in Africa (http://www.gfa.org/press/intoAfrica) for the first time — a huge boost for humanitarian efforts in the world’s poorest continent. (Jeremy Bishop/Unsplash)

“Africa is where the tears never dry,” said Gospel for Asia (GFA World) founder K.P. Yohannan, announcing the launch of compassion projects in Rwanda, a mountainous nation in east-central Africa still recovering from the war and genocide that left 800,000 dead and ripped the country apart in the 1990s.

“Everything we do focuses on bringing real hope and the love of God to those who’ve lost all hope,” said Yohannan, author of the best-selling book Revolution in World Missions, with more than four million copies in print.

To begin with, GFA World’s efforts — supported by the Rwandan Government, church leaders and their congregations — will help children living in slum neighborhoods in the nation’s capital, Kigali, where most people survive on less than two dollars a day.

“We appreciate the open door we’ve been given to start saving lives and serving the poor in Rwanda,” said Yohannan.

Africa ‘Compassion Surge’

The organization plans a surge of compassion and healthcare projects across Africa, including deploying Sisters of Compassion workers — trained women missionaries who serve widows, orphans and those living in leprosy colonies.

“We’re looking at the whole continent, and one of our goals is to help tens of thousands of children (in Africa),” said Yohannan, whose organization already provides educational opportunities for thousands of children through its child sponsorship programs across Asia.

“About half of Africa’s population is under the age of 15, and the average life expectancy is 50,” he said. “This fact makes the desperate urgency to preach the gospel to millions while we have time still to do it. They are waiting — they are dying.”

As Gospel for Asia (GFA World) expands in Africa, the mission agency also plans to introduce its trademark “Jesus Wells” — bringing clean water to villages and undeveloped communities where children and families drink contaminated water straight from filthy ponds.

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Joel Vergara

I’m a computer engineering professional with a passion for excellence and success.