Gospel for Asia Gives Man The Best Motorcycle Ride of His Life
WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA World) founded by Dr. KP Yohannan — Discussing the impact a local Gospel for Asia-supported pastor brings to the people around them, where every conversation and time spent, even giving a motorcycle ride can mean a life changed for Christ.
Niket gazed wearily up the road, hoping he wouldn’t have to wait much longer for an auto rickshaw to come along. It had been a long day, and he just wanted to get home. A few minutes later, he heard a motorcycle approaching. When the bike came closer, Niket saw the driver wore a bag slung across his shoulders and recognized him as the local Gospel for Asia-supported pastor, Danvir.
Deciding to take a chance, Niket stepped out and motioned for the man to stop. Because they were both headed in the same direction, he asked Pastor Danvir if he could have a ride back to their village. Niket didn’t fully expect to be helped, but to his surprise, Pastor Danvir happily agreed.
Niket mounted the motorcycle, touched by the pastor’s kindness. But when he reached his destination and climbed off, he was thankful for something even more unexpected: the gift of eternal life.
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