Gospel For Asia: Ministering Across the Globe
WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA World) founded by Dr. KP Yohannan — Discussing the news from places around the world on the ministry and impact that GFA brings to the mission field, ministering with Christ’s love in various ways.
UNITED KINGDOM — Christians in the UK were encouraged in their walks with the Lord by a visit from Dr. KP Yohannan, founder of GFA.
In his short visit, Yohannan reinvigorated supporters by sharing inspiring reports and stories from the mission field about the work in Asia. The GFAUK office organized events in London and Manchester. Yohannan also ministered to hundreds of people as he spoke to three congregations and did an interview with UCB Radio.
GFAUK is a tiny cog in a big wheel, with just six staff members and a small team of volunteers. Yet through their faithful service from Manchester, England, God is changing lives in Asia. Meeting to pray often, the UK team is very conscious that they need the Lord to work. And He is answering. Faithful supporters give their prayers, their resources and their time. And Yohannan’s visit was an opportunity for them to hear how God is using their sacrifices and gifts.
Rachel, an attendee to one of the meetings, said, “It was humbling to hear of the impact on so many lives. We are so blessed, and I’m honoured to be able to support GFA.”
Rachel works near the UK office and often gives up her lunch hour to help with simple administrative tasks at GFA.
Reverend Paul Blackham, chief executive officer of Biblical Frameworks, also attended an event.
“GFA World … reminds us of the power of the Living God to turn the world upside down,” he said. “Brother K.P. made us feel that we are sharing in the worldwide kingdom of God from right where we are. When he tells us how the Spirit of Christ is [ministering to] so many across Asia, we know that the glory of God is as powerful today as ever.”
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