Gospel for Asia: There Is So Much More Yet to Do
WILLS POINT — Dr. KP Yohannan and the staff of Gospel for Asia (GFA) celebrated God’s faithfulness on the 40th anniversary of its founding on July 3.
After four decades of accomplishments beyond expectations in ministry or any other successful endeavor, many would accept their laurels then rest upon them, satisfied that their task is complete.
Christian News Wire reported that when Yohannan reflected upon the 40-year ministry of Gospel for Asia, his primary concern was not what has been accomplished but what yet needs to be done.
“We can’t slow down. There is so much more yet to do,” Yohannan said.
In 1979, Yohannan and his wife, Gisela, had no idea how the Lord would direct their footsteps and bless their work among the people in Asia who needed to hear about Jesus and experience His love in their lives.
By training and supporting national missionaries — a vision originally shared in Yohannan’s book Revolution in World Missions — thousands of believers in Asia have been equipped through GFA to share Christ’s love while administering practical compassion among people affected with leprosy, slum dwellers, widows and entire villages.
Yohannan was steadfast in refusing to take credit for what the Lord has done.
“As we celebrate 40 years, we give God all the glory,” Yohannan said.
As he spoke, it was apparent that Yohannan’s vision and confidence in the Lord were as strong as they were 40 years ago. He sees the first 40 years as the beginning.
“We believe momentous milestones are on the horizon,” he said. “Our heart is to help more people than ever experience Christ’s love, and we’re looking forward to seeing God’s faithfulness at work.
“I believe the next 40 years will become an even greater blessing to more countries and places that desperately need to know God’s love in word and deed.”
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