What Christian Leaders are Saying about Gospel for Asia
Gospel for Asia (GFA World) is a nonprofit founded in 1979 committed to serving “the least of these” in Asia. GFA supports national field workers who in turn bring the love of Christ to those living in rural and under-served areas. Whether it’s providing the opportunity for a brighter future for a child in Asia through their Bridge of Hope program or giving away a sewing machine to help a family generate income, GFA has stood by its mission to transform communities through the love of Christ, one individual at a time.
After serving in ministry for nearly 40 years, GFA has had the opportunity to make an impact both overseas and at home. Here’s what 24 Christian leaders and donors are saying about Gospel for Asia and it’s founder KP Yohannan:
Pastor David Cartwright
“GFA is an invaluable partner to the local church for the work of the Gospel. They have richly blessed my congregation and have been a source of blessing in my pastoral ministry.”
— Pastor David Cartwright, Russell Memorial United Methodist Church
Joanne, GFA Donor
“It is my humble honor and sincere privilege to stand with you as you continue all the good work you’re doing for the glory of God. May our wonderful LORD multiply the fruit of your heart ministry many times over in the years ahead. To God be the glory!”
— Joanne from California, GFA donor since 2009
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