What Is a Charity Building Wells in Africa?

Joel Vergara
3 min readMar 13, 2024


One charity building wells in Africa is GFA World. Our clean water ministry delivers safe, disease-free water to people across Asia and now Africa through clean water projects, including Jesus Wells. Each well can provide water for about 300 people per day for up to 20 years, greatly improving their quality of life and showing people the love of God.[1] GFA estimates that 37.5 million men, women and children now have access to clean water thanks to our clean water projects like Jesus Wells and BioSand water filters. The equipment is durable and heavy-duty, and it will continue functioning for years with the proper maintenance and care.[2]

An example of the impact this ministry has is the transformation of a little village nestled amid farmlands. Water pumps scattered along the roadway were scarce and unreliable. During the heat of the summer, the villagers struggled to find enough water to fill their pots. Many of them would travel 25 minutes to stand in a long line, hoping to get just one bucketful of water to eke out for their daily needs. The villagers had suffered through 12 years of desperate water shortages. Then, through his congregation, a GFA pastor heard about the village’s dire need for clean water. The pastor and the believers began to pray for a Jesus Well, and two years later, God answered them.

The well was drilled in the village and began providing enough clean water for all to drink and for cooking and cleaning. The villagers said, “What a wonderful privilege for us to get pure and clean water through the church.” The well was a testimony of Jesus’ love. Since it was drilled, many villagers’ hearts have softened toward the Lord as they have heard about His hope and care for them.[3]

Like the Samaritan woman in John 4, the people of this village — and many people worldwide — trek to a well every day for water. But their need for Living Water is even greater. Jesus Wells bear a plaque with an inscription of John 4:13–14, pointing people to the well’s namesake and the Living Water, Jesus Christ: “Jesus answered and said to her, ‘Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.’”

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Joel Vergara
Joel Vergara

Written by Joel Vergara

I’m a computer engineering professional with a passion for excellence and success.

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